It is with great sadness that the Mico University College Foundation Of America reports the passing of one of its founders, Chief Operating Officer and Secretary Mr. Owen James who passed away on January 22, 2022 after a sudden illness in September last year.
In a letter to the James Family from the Board of the Mico University College Foundation Of America he was described as a giant of a man whose output was copious in his roles as Chief Operating Officer, and Secretary of the Foundation. As one of the founding fathers of MUCFA he was instrumental in conceptualizing its legal framework, and fashioning its policies and operational procedures.
It was noted that the establishment of the Foundation's Secretariat and operating infrastructure are a part of the critical elements for which he must be credited, and some of which he accomplished almost single handedly.
His fund raising efforts were of particular significance, as he used his networking skills and creative initiative to attract considerable funding in support of his work to serve the needs of his alma mater The Mico University College.
He has made a sterling contribution to the Foundation and his dedication, commitment, and guidance will be missed.