Teachers’ Certificate - Mico Teacher’s College Jamaica 1972
BSc. Economics (Hons) - University of the West Indies Jamaica -1978 (Ministry of Education Teachers’ Scholarship)
Certificate in Project Formulation, Implementation and Management - Administrative Staff College in collaboration with the University of Bradford – 1980
Master’s in Business Administration (MBA) – Barry University, U.S.A. – 1988 (USAID Latin America and Caribbean Scholarship).
Professional Experience:
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Kemtek Development and Construction Limited, a Real Estate Development Company with assets in excess of One Billion Jamaican Dollars
Chairman of the Mico Foundation of Jamaica.
Director and Vice Chairman of the Housing Agency of Jamaica.
Deacon, Lay Preacher and Pastoral Assistant of the Phillippo Baptist Church.
Director of Projects, Research and Planning for the Agricultural Credit Bank having responsibility for all Agricultural loans to Commercial Banks for lending to large farmers.
Director of Research and Planning for the Agricultural Credit Bank.
Director of Field Operations for the Agricultural Credit Bank. Responsible for loans made to the Peoples Cooperative Banks for lending to small farmers.
Manager of the Inter-American Bank loan program-Agricultural Credit Bank Economist for the Agricultural Credit Bank.
Economist for the Jamaica Development Bank.
Economist for the Data Bank and Evaluation Unit, Ministry of Agriculture
Part -Time Lecturer in Monetary Economics - College of Arts, Science and Technology
Trained Teacher of Mathematics at Pembroke Hall Secondary School
Part -Time Teacher for the In - Service Training Program
Order of Distinction - Commander Class - 2017
St. Catherine Municipal Council Appreciation Award for Outstanding Service in Community Development - 2015
Jamaica Baptist Women’s Federation Award for Contribution to the Garland Hall Children’s Home- 2015
The Mico University College’s 175th Anniversary Award for Distinguished Service -2011 Education:
Teachers’ Certificate - Mico Teacher’s College Jamaica 1972
BSc. Economics (Hons) - University of the West Indies Jamaica -1978 (Ministry of Education Teachers’ Scholarship)
Certificate in Project Formulation, Implementation and Management - Administrative Staff College in collaboration with the University of Bradford – 1980
Master’s in Business Administration (MBA) – Barry University, U.S.A. – 1988 (USAID Latin America and Caribbean Scholarship).